What is your life’s purpose? Are you fulfilling it with intention? These are just some of the intentions I have had deeply programmed into my subconscious. They have been set in direct opposition to specific challenges I was experiencing at the time. I also continue to draw strength and courage from these and other intentions that are programmed deep into my psyche by clearing limiting beliefs that needed to be knocked down, unraveled and released.
Conflict causes dissension, only through connection can we flourish. Come join us as we experience the miraculous process of LifeLine with Lisa to live more intentionally and perform the inner work required for true personal growth and change.
SAVE THE DATE… January 29th 3pm, Attend in person or via ZOOM as we work together for a better tomorrow.
#1. Improved self-confidence
#2. A different perspective
#3. Heightened self-awareness
#4. Create a balanced life
#5. Foster better relationships
#6. Follow through on commitments
#7. Eliminate bad habits
#8. Achieve goals- doable, concrete, realistic
#9. Discover clarity of purpose#10. Find Happiness
Total Family Wellness and Divine Connections Ministry together with Dr. Alexander and Lisa Gilmore Present

A Group LifeLine® Session
This is a FREE event, the more people who participate the better effect we will have on healing our community and beyond. If you participate in person, you’re welcome to bring a healthy snack to share.
With infinite love and gratitude we invite you to participate in a group intention setting process. Expand and grow your consciousness like never before. We hope to fully activate the maharishi effect ( the prayer/meditative effect decreasing violence in a given region) as hundreds of people unite to bring a peace that will surpass understanding to heal humanity of destructive patterns inherited from our past. Isn’t it time we started creating/bringing heaven to earth? Are you divinely connected? Can you enhance your connection to the Divine? We seek the most benevolent outcome and highest good and healing for all in this event. Learn about and take your abundant life score and allow change and growth to be evident as you release the subconscious and reconnect to internalized/denied/and disconnected power centers of heart, mind and will. Are you fully connected to your divine mission and purposes? Is your body free from pain, the effects of sin (death)? If we love enough and connect to infinite Source completely, will we extend our lives and become more Godlike? What will that look like? It is said that our ancient fathers lived nigh upon 1000 years, is it possible today? How about just experiencing a more joyful existence now and healing ourselves and the planet at the same time? We all think that we perceive the truth, however perhaps we perceive what we believe instead. Limiting beliefs passed down through generations and cultural programs inhibit the full expression of our divine connections. Upgrade, shift, and reprogram your limiting beliefs now be empowered to change. Come set and fulfill your own intention and reprogram your sub/superconscious mind to create a more abundant life. Achieve lifetimes of spiritual and personal growth in a compressed time, a fast pass to infinite love and gratitude in your life.
Divine Connections Ministry
105 SE Greenwood Ave Questions?
Cedaredge, CO 81413 970-201-9505