Divine Connections Healing Mentorship


We will meet Sunday May 26th at 3pm for further progress into CPK as discussed below. To fully follow the material presented it will be most helpful to have purchased and reviewed the Basic modules of CPK.

We intend to mentor you in frequency/functional/quantum/informational healing practices as performed in our clinic by Dr. Alexander Gilmore. Having treated thousands of patients through the years I have really begun to appreciate the ability of patients to progress when they listen to their own body and ascertain it’s needs. Also to have a tool in your bag to help those you love when there are minor irritations to health and or blocks to growth potential. Expansion of knowledge and integration of as much as possible will aid in maximizing your health potential.

We begin this week and perhaps for the next few months with an intro to CPK (Chiro Plus Kinesiology) as developed by Dr Milton Dowty. In order to fully understand and learn it can take many years and it is helpful to have a background in health care although not required. You will need to learn a Health professional level of information if you intend to master it of course. Start by attending this class with us as we break down the principles together and practice the art of healing.

I was once told by a meditation teacher and mentor that “knowledge you pay for is knowledge you keep.” I also encourage you to make a financial investment in the process to exercise some commitment and therefore discipline that will be required to apply and learn at the level necessary to accelerate progress. Thus a donation for each class is requested.


Go to www.cpkusa.com and register (FREE)

Then purchase the intro (also FREE)

You will gain access to a portion of the manual and an introductory video that we will review and breakdown through the classes. We intend to cover at least the first 3rd or 9 pages of the manual and will likely watch the video together and pause for discussion, teaching and demonstrations.

Our initial focus will be on an introduction to CPK (Chiro Plus Kinesiology) as developed by Dr. Milton Dowty. I expect to have two potentials arise from this beginning and your involvement will help determine our direction. One possibility is that a group will continue with CPK and seek certification and complete the entire module program. A second possibility is that we will seek out doctors and healers from many disciplines and invite them to teach the group. This may also be done as a progression or may occur simultaneously.

Thanks for your desire to create radiant health for yourself and everyone.

We look forward to seeing you live in person or via zoom virtually. The next class will be held Saturday Februrary 17th at 2pm MTN.

Dr Alexander Gilmore

The more people who participate the better effect we will have on healing our community and beyond. If you participate in person, you’re welcome to bring a healthy snack to share.

105 SE Greenwood Ave

Cedaredge, CO 81413 970-856-3545

Dr. Alex Gilmore is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Divine Healing Mentorship
Time: Feb 4th, 2024 03:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 84676970033

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