It seems each of my children have come to teach me something about how to be a better father and a better doctor. As you would expect, helping to heal their health challenges has been a great motivation for me. It seems each one taught me something different and how to be better. I also feel like every person I touch, even in the office can present a new set of problems and challenges that support the growth of each consciousness involved.
When my son was just four years old he contracted an illness of a mysterious nature that seemed to last longer and more intense than it should. After having been fatigued and lethargic for 3 days in a row, running high fevers and just not even moving, my level of concern was escalated. I was consistently checking and treating him, primarily finding a virus infection that would not stay cleared. Each time I checked it would be back even after making my greatest attempts to awaken his immune system and use acupuncture energies and more to help clear the condition. So I finally made a commitment to myself in the interest of protecting his life to take him to another doctor and get some outside help. I told myself that I would check him one more time and if he didn’t turn around quickly then I would pull the trigger and get some help, somewhere, anywhere even an emergency room or whatever it took. (At this point in my life none of my children had been to another doctor when I was around.) I knelt silently beside him and began to check him over using kinesiology to ask his body what the real issue was; it came up as an allergy, inhaled, and lead. I thought, “Inhaled lead where does that come from? There’s lead in our air?” And a thought came to me in the back of my head or perhaps from outside me “China”. I thought, “Bio- Warfare from China? Is that what this is?… Nah!” I dismissed it immediately. I cleared him for allergy to lead, along with the virus and he responded almost immediately. The fever broke and he began to show signs of life again. I wondered where this inhaled lead would have come from. The very next day however I was treating a patient in the office whose body told me; allergy to inhaled cadmium. I knew that came from cigarette smoke but then I realized it also came from coal smoke and coal burning. I thought it was just local coal burning in our valley where an inversion would happen and the neighbor above us would burn coal and our house would get surrounded with a smoke cloud so thick you could almost see it, but certainly smell it. Not only lead and cadmium, but also arsenic, thallium, mercury and other toxic metals. Later that summer however a miraculous happening in my life occurred at a simple seminar. Dr. Dan Murphy was teaching and he said that if we all stopped driving our cars today it would have little to no effect on pollution levels on our planet. The majority of pollution comes from burning the cheapest dirtiest fuel we can find which is coal. And new industrialized nation like China, (China I thought I heard this somewhere else.) A new industrialized nation like China puts up a new power plant every week, and the air currents land in the Western United States. This is why mercury levels on top of 14000 foot mountains are hundreds of times what they used to be. I was amazed and grateful and knew that we were onto something when we were treating inhaled allergy to toxic metals. Toxic metals seem to open the doorway for infection in the body especially when it is an allergy and not just a toxicity. The difference is in the quantity that causes a reaction. And in an allergy case the smallest amount can cause a significant reaction in the body. Which we know heavy metals do anyway with small amounts being very poisonous. But then add the allergy component to it and you really have something catastrophic. At this point I’m super grateful that we had my father-in-law help make a homeopathic remedy that winter. I requested that he crawl onto his roof because he burned coal as well. He took a quart jar with a little water in it and began to capture some smoke over and over again and then shake it up in the jar with a little water. From these beginnings we developed an antidote, a homeopathic remedy that would help program people’s bodies, reminding them to remove the toxins from coal smoke.
In addition to the long list of problems caused by toxic metals in and of themselves, to our mitochondria, energy production systems, and as I have mentioned immune systems. We also have the genetic component as lead toxicity can block an enzyme known as GAD, this enzyme converts the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate into the calming, relaxing, I’m no longer overwhelmed, neurotransmitter GABA. You may have heard of monosodium glutamate and many of its negative effects, including as an obesogen, used in studies to make mice fat to study obesity. It is also excitatory to the nervous system and the glutamate excess can cause microglial activation (damage to supportive brain cells). Inflammation and pain can also be associated with excess glutamate along with extreme anxiety and sleep problems including insomnia. Thankfully there are strategies we can use to optimize the function of the enzyme, the mineral manganese can help the function of the GAD enzyme. In addition removing lead from the body can also help, as lead specifically blocks this enzymes function. Other issues associated with lead were taught to me by none other than Gary Gordon some have called him the father of chelation therapy on the planet. He said that we all have 1000-2000 times the amount of lead in our bones as our ancestors 700 years ago before the Industrial Revolution. This lead contributes to all causes of morbidity and mortality and is the highest predictive value of any test. This means that if you want to predict if someone will die or catch any disease you simply measure the level of lead in their bones and the higher the number the more likely it will be. Lead is specifically associated with heart disease and cataract formation. Removing toxic metals from the body is of utmost importance for optimal function, prevention of disease, and healing.
Removing Toxic Metals
I have learned at least eight strategies that can help remove these metals. One of the simplest and most powerful is to use specific homeopathics according to your body and its priorities. Many times a year you may find the coal smoke remedy that we have developed is that priority. As a general recommendation I think everyone should take it for three weeks in a row to begin with and then take a week off and cycle back on again for another week or so. Homeopathics are always best with cycling and this allows the body to replenish its ability to detoxify the metals and not just have them recirculate throughout the system.
In addition to using homeopathics, replacing minerals is extremely important in this day of depleted soils and rampant mineral deficiencies. Most notable perhaps being magnesium and then zinc for men and iron for women, also important minerals like manganese and other trace and ultra minerals as all trace minerals are deficient in our diets which can be attained through high quality salts (SOLE). I mention manganese once again because of its ability to support the GAD enzyme, I’ve seen sleep improve and calmness come again just from this one mineral. It also helps in the rebuilding of cartilage in the body and the pituitary gland and prevention of glaucoma. However one need not take it in large amounts if it is not indicated by their body and it’s genetics. Mineral replacement will also push out and dilute out the toxic metals. The solution to pollution is dilution according to one philosophy. Also enough of the healthy minerals in the binding sites of co-factors and enzymes in the body will not allow for the absorption and detrimental effects of toxic metals which clog binding sites and disrupt enzyme function.
A third important strategy for detoxifying metals is taking healthy oils ensuring that the gallbladder liver bile flow is optimized as we know 90% of methyl Mercury is detoxified through the bile duct. Other pathways of detoxification are the skin, the lungs and the kidneys. High levels of healthy fiber can bind metals and ensure colon function, preventing the reabsorption of those metals through enterohepatic circulation. When the liver releases something into the intestines that is later reabsorbed.
A fourth important strategy can be the allergy elimination or desensitization process that is performed in the office as a practitioner harmonizes your body to a substance that causes disharmony when introduced into your field. This can program your body to selectively release and detoxify that substance.
The fifth strategy is the utilization of oral and or IV chelation agents such as EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) for lead, DMSA (dimercapto succinic acid) for mercury and other things that support glutathione pathways and other detoxification; a favorite of mine is heavy metal support from Thorne research. This has been frequently matched to eliminate aluminum and also supports nickel, tin and other metals that can be toxic to the body that are not quite as heavy as lead and mercury. On the topic of lead we should mention the concept of Base toxin as discovered by a good colleague of mine, this concept applies to the lowest heaviest toxin that is clogging the pathways for the body. This base toxin is commonly lead and he frequency matched a simple herb known as Gambier leaf for the removal of lead in a gentle and powerful way. It seems to work very well and I am currently looking for a good source of Gambier leaf. I personally have also seen that flaxseed oil is often indicated when lead is the priority metal. A sixth strategy is an energy foot bath to put negative ions into the body, these ions can neutralize and potentially pull out the positive ions that metals are within the body. This energy foot bath can also be used while in an infrared sauna which is a sixth strategy to remove toxic metals through a parasympathetic sweating that happens in a meditative or relaxed state inside a sauna much more effectively then when sweating in other ways as through exercise for instance. In addition, infrared saunas can penetrate the body 2 to 3 inches and reach deeper into toxic stores of metals within the body to liberate them. This is better than the use of a typical sauna you might find in a gym where the air is very hot but the penetration is very little. That’s why I do recommend home use of infrared saunas.
An eighth strategy is the use of cold laser therapy to energize and support the release through increased circulation to detoxify heavy metals, possibly through nitric oxide optimization. Get scheduled today to find out how to optimize your health call 970-856-3545. In a future article we will address some of the specific toxic effects of these metals.
As Always… May Your Day Be Filled With Infinite Love And Gratitude.
Dr Alexander Gilmore.