Fluoride toxicity!

What do infertility, ADHD, diabetes, cancer, thyroid issues, and brain disease (including lowered IQ, dementia, and Alzheimer’s) have in common? Fluoride toxicity!  (not to leave out bromine and chlorine, more on that later). A host of symptoms and diseases occur thanks to this chemical being touted as crucial for tooth health and therefore added to water, toothpaste, processed food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides.  

Here are some recent examples in my office:

A colleague of mine who was unable to get pregnant asked me for a consultation. Upon examining her body, I found a toxin in her ovaries, and on query it went to a childhood toxin. More questioning led to discovery of fluoride. Fluoride accumulation in the ovaries was interfering with her fertility in association with fluoride replacing iodine and causing dysfunction of her thyroid (hypothyroidism) which is a common known cause of infertility. 

A young pregnant woman also presented and showed for the fluoride vial. We know that if the mom has enough iodine in her body the baby’s IQ can be 17 points higher. The only thing that rivals that would be Omega-3s in particular DHA for babies’ brains. These latest findings indicate to me the importance of educating everyone I can about the dangers of fluoride in our environment and in particular to developing brains.

The good news is my colleague is expecting a baby sometime in November!

And this young mother is going to get fluoride out of her life and add the iodine needed for her new baby’s brain.

You might know that fluoride is a natural mineral and element on the periodic table, so how harmful can it be?  As you can see from the image below, there are different forms of fluoride, and the ones used in our water and dental products is not the naturally occurring, rather harmless type of fluoride.

And here is some of the research:

High fluoride exposure may increase your risk of cognitive problems. A 1995 study published in Neurotoxicity and Teratology has found that prenatal fluoride exposure can increase the risk of hyperactivity and cognitive problems (7).

A 2017 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives has also linked it to lower IQ levels (8). Other research, including a 1998 study published in Brain Research and a 1997 study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences has found that fluoride, aluminum, and sodium in water may increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. (9, 10). 

Fluoride may also increase the risk of cancer. A 1977 study published in Fluoride and a 1993 study published in the Journal of the International Society of Fluoride have both linked fluoride exposure to an increased risk of cancer (11, 12). 

Fluoride may also increase the risk of hormonal health issues and diabetes. A 2015 observational study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health has found that fluoride in drinking water may increase the risk of hypothyroidism (13).

A 1997 paper at the University of Surrey, School of Biological Sciences has found that fluoride may affect the pineal gland and puberty (14). A 2015 study published in the Journal of Diabetes Research has found that low-level fluoride in water may help insulin sensitivity suggesting that higher levels may contribute to insulin resistance and the risk of diabetes (15).

Citizens in many US cities have presented this information to their town/city councils and have asked for the removal of fluoride from their water with mixed results.  Close to home:

Hotchkiss Board of Trustees — Bids Awarded for Town Projects, Moratorium on Fluoridation

High Country Shopper | March 20, 2024 | By Deena Schmalz

Trustees also considered an informational report about the negative effects of adding fluoride to the town’s water.  Webb pointed out that studies have shown fluoride to be a toxin and it can be damaging to the development of children’s brains. Many U.S. cities and countries around the world have banned adding fluoride to their water supply.  He continued, “I don’t know if we want to have any part in adding this to our water.”

Webb felt that since fluoridated water wasn’t required by the state and it was documented to be harmful to young children, the town should put a one-year moratorium on adding fluoride to its water.   There was some discussion as to whether or not residents must vote on this change. With that in mind, trustees unanimously approved the moratorium with the stipulation that it would be brought back to the board if it required voter approval.  

Original article online at: https://www.highcountryshopper.com/spotlight/civically_engaged/hotchkiss-board-of-trustees-bids-awarded-for-town-projects-moratorium-on-fluoridation/article_2968ffae-e6f7-11ee-a0e2-a36fc8b2d550.html

This was recently rescinded as health professionals/dentists begged the city to put fluoride back in.

And more recently:

“In a decision that could end the practice of water fluoridation in the U.S., a federal judge late Tuesday (Sep. 24, 2024) ruled that water fluoridation at current U.S. levels poses an “unreasonable risk” of reduced IQ in children.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can no longer ignore that risk, and must take regulatory action, Judge Edward Chen of the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of California wrote in the long-awaited landmark decision.

The ruling concludes a historic lawsuit — one that has dragged on for seven years — brought against the EPA by environmental and consumer advocacy organizations like the Fluoride Action Network, Moms Against Fluoridation and Food & Water Watch, along with individual parents and children.

The law dictates that the EPA must take regulatory action, but it does not specify what that action has to be. EPA regulatory actions can range from notifying the public of risks to banning chemicals.”

The American Dental Association’s response:

In a Sept. 25 statement, the ADA said it remains “staunchly in support” of community water fluoridation at optimal levels to help prevent tooth decay.

Personally, we don’t allow our dentist to use fluoride with our children (or ourselves).  If your dentist won’t accept that, find another one.  It took us going through a few before we found one that is supportive of our desires (even though they don’t believe in it).  They use a pumice tooth buffer instead of the fluoride toothpaste.  Obviously we don’t use fluoridated toothpaste at home.  There are a ton of options, the cheapest option being make your own tooth powder and practice regular oil pulling and water irrigation of gums/teeth.  We also use water filters for all drinking/cooking water to filter chlorine and fluoride and other metals and toxins.  These are small but super important ways to limit toxic overload! Also since we are all exposed and deficient in iodine, find easy ways to supplement this essential nutrient, not leaving chlorine aside, be sure to supplement extra iodine, vitamin C or glutathione if you go swimming.

Tooth Powder Recipe:


  • 4 Tablespoons bentonite clay
  • 4 tablespoons calcium carbonate powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda (leave out if you have metal braces)
  • 1 teaspoon of fine sea salt
  • 2 teaspoons yellow mustard seed powder, optional
  • 1 Tablespoon of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cloves
  • 1 Tablespoon activated charcoal, optional – for whitening


  1. Mix all ingredients together well. Store in an airtight container.
  2. To use, tip a little into the palm of your hand and smush your toothbrush into it. Some add a drop of colloidal silver (another antibacterial), or a drop of peppermint oil here to make a paste.
  3. Scrub gently. There are some powerful abrasive agents in the tooth powder that will do most of the work. Fine to eat.
