A new company is launching this month and the promotion is incredible, a FREE case of their product shipped direct to you, and you don’t even have to pay shipping if you get your request in before April 19th!
Manoj Bhargava is the man behind 5 hour energy and as a multibillionaire he is trying to make the world a better place. His latest challenge was to solve the looming water crisis, and he has succeeded in developing a breakthrough that will do the job! He already feeds millions of children (with the stipulation that they have to go to school to “earn” their meal). Now he has potentially saved millions of lives with this new water purification system.
This ultrapure water is the beginning of the new product called Cellular Hydration, with the addition of key minerals and amino acids at very specific concentrations. [a term used is osmolality or osmolarity]. The level of around 200 allows for ideal absorption into your body..

Below is more details links etc from my good friend Chris Kinney.
Hi everyone! Hope you are all having a Good Friday!! This text/email may be lengthy, but please read it all.
Please be sure to include name, address, city state (in 2 letter abbreviation), zip, email and phone number in the following format 123-123-1234, and which type of water Unsweetened or Sweetened . [the sweetening is sucralose so I have been recommending unsweetened]
Submissions are currently running approximately 2 weeks behind from when received.
Intracellular hydration vs normal hydration- we are the only ones who are able to do it without sodium and sugar. We are the only no sodium, no sugar Intracellular hydration product available.
Normal hydration is extra-cellular, meaning it passes through you. That’s why when we drink lots of water, it passes through us. We are not like that. We have the perfect osmolality of 200 for intracellular hydration. Water has an osmolality of 10. The World Health Organization has come out and said the optimum osmolality is between 180-260, so we’re just right. That’s why we affectionately call it “Goldilocks water”
Video- Everything you know about hydration
https://youtu.be/Y9_avDZ0npE?feature=shared Here is the edited recording from 4/4/2024 SMALL Zoom call with Manoj. https://vimeo.com/930796398?share=copy
HOW TOO >> 8 Minute zoom Michael, Laura & I did 4/2/2024 Ordering Launch Pack until 4/8 ( in video format )
Here is a new form to use until 4/19 to be able to send out 2 cases of free product with free shipping. Use this form for each person you want to send product to. Send a Free True Hydration Sample
Send a Free True Hydration Sample Now through April 19, Truly Essential Partners can send free 12-pack samples (one of each flavor) of True Hydration to customers to introduce them to the product. Please use the form below to send a free sample. |
Here is where we order Launch Pack offers good until April 8th [extended to 19th] now >>https://truehy.com/collections/launch-packs ( Must be a PARTNER)
Not a Partner yet ? Sign up FOR FREE at https://truehypartner.com/ scroll down to click on “APPLY” than search for your sponsors last name .
Team Zoom Recording 3/28/24 With Michael & Paula >> https://vimeo.com/showcase/10938178
This very interesting: . ( watch video below ) This company is called True Essentials based in Detroit. This is backed by Manoj Bhargava who is worth about $5 billion. He is the founder of the famous 5 hour energy product which has been a gigantic success. He also owns 14 other companies including parade magazine and 50 other magazines, a pharmaceutical division, Alzheimer’s therapy centers, water division, 4 tv stations including a 24 hr news channel, sports channel, German tv channel and home shopping network. For our water hydration, beauty, weight loss and sleep products, we have just launched a Direct Sales co. with a very attractive earnings opportunity. We’ve hired the best veterans in the industry to run the business and are now looking for top leaders to take advantage of the ground floor opportunity.
BILLIONS in Change video ( click)
This is the Corporate Zoom recording 3/28…at least as they go over the launch packs in the beginning it is very clear:
For anyone going to the pre-lauch in Detroit...
Fly in on Thursday, April 18th for an all day event on Friday April19Th
( Up to $500 Reimbursement for each person for flights)
Hotel for the event is Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Farmington Hills, 33043 Hamilton Ct, Farmington Hills, MI 48334.
Phone number for the hotel is 248-516-1400. You can reserve a room using group code SIR (company is Simplify Inventions).